Saturday, September 15, 2007

Scooter fun!!!

Quite a great day to report! I met my new friend Jennifer for a mini-tour of the town and a scooter lesson. The first great thing of the day was lunch! I had spaghetti with meat sauce, just like back home! (Although, no spaghetti will ever be as good as my mom's.) The simple idea that a specific food is rare makes it taste all that much better. I ate it all, even though I was full.
After lunch, we walked down Jung-Shan Road (one of the main roads in town) and she pointed out several good stores to shop in. There is actually a "Body Shop" here! We went in some clothing stores and a candy shop : ) (The big thing here with candy is to make it in the shape of poop! Quite hillarious!) We also went to a grocery store near my school where they sell some American products (think Nature Valley granola bars, Frosted Flakes, etc.)
When we were done shopping, we went to a large parking lot for my first scooter lesson. I consider it a HUGE success because I neither fell off, nor ran into anything or anyone. Apparently, that's kind of a right of passage for all foreigners at some point : ) The scooters (while can be dangerous) are lots of fun. I'm excited to really get comfortable on one so I can have my own (which I will drive very, very slowly, probably for the entire year - don't worry mom).
So, all in all, a great day! Now just going to have some dinner, head home, and maybe catch a shower after my long day of sweating (it seems if I do nothing else here, I sweat!). I feel like I should also mention the fact that I used my first Chinese word in class yesterday. I don't know how to spell it (or even if I pronounced it correctly) but it means: understand? Very exciting moment for me!
I hope all is well with everyone and look forward to hearing from you!


Annette said...

Wow! It's great to hear that you had such a great day!! It sounds like it's really hot there too! I had no idea! Take care and ride safely!
your favorite aunt

Katie said...

Sounds like you're having so much fun!!!! Were you able to take a camera over there? I'd love to see pictures of all the places you've talked about.

Unknown said...

Baby Kate!-

I'm glad things are going so well and that you're having a great time. Scooters, a bike, school, the food, I'm so excited that you're experiencing all of this! Yay! Wanted to wish you a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! A package will be arriving soon with no poop shaped candies included, I promise! :) Ha! Ha! Miss you tons and can't wait to hear more. Much KC love my dear friend!