Thursday, September 6, 2007

I'm here!

Well, I've made it safe and sound. While it was a LONG trip (24 hours total) and I've had about 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours, I'm happy to be here and get started with everything. So far, I've been on my first scooter ride, tried several new foods that I still have no clue as to what they actually were, and have been almost all around the city (although, most of that was on the scooter, holding on for dear life, so I didn't absorb much of what I saw). I will have to write more later when I've had some sleep. I look forward to hearing from everyone!


Annette said...

Yahoo!! Your Uncle Rod has been worrying about you! I'll call him right away and let him know that you are there safe and sound! Take care of yourself.
much love
(your favorite aunt)

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! So glad to hear you made it there safely! Cannot wait to hear about your adventures!!! Tell Nick hello and have FUN!!!


mom said...

hi, honey. you may get this before you get the 97 e-mails i sent you :) nellie's sitting here beside me and says for me to tell you "meow" which in kitty world means "hi, "mom" i'm being good and miss you" xoxoxox me

Unknown said...

Baby Kate!-

Hello from KC, my love! So glad to know you made it and had a safe trip. Miss you so much already but can't wait to hear the stories! Bring 'em on!

Love you...