Monday, October 22, 2007

A Quick Shout Out : )

Two posts within a week's time!!! Amazing! Well, I just have to mention a couple of things. First of all, I'm a total food nerd for this (some may even call me a "fatty" or "food addict"), but yesterday, I found a grocery store here that has tons of great stuff!!! They had tons of fruit and vegetables, lots of American products (even Bisquick!) and stuff I can use to make chili when it starts to get cold outside. However, the absolute icing on the cake was when I found Relax Reisling in the wine section!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually jumped up and down a little - Nick laughed quite a lot, but he understood. It seriously made me so happy. It's nice to find the comforts of home whenever I can. (Probably unfortunately) The easiest way to find that comfort is through food!!! Don't worry - I'm working out and running as much as I can and I'm going to try and curb the "comfort food" addiction so I don't have to buy two plane tickets for my flight home next summer : )

Anyway... The second reason I'm writing is to say "thanks" to you all. I have received so many emails and blog posts telling me what a great and brave thing I'm doing by being here, and I really can't tell you what that means to me. The support helps so much and once in a while, I need a little something to help get me through the day.
I should mention that I have really not felt a lot of homesickness yet, and for that, I thank Nick, SO much! I of course miss my friends and family (and cats) like crazy, but having him here to give me a hug at the end of a hard day makes all the difference in the world.
Also, the endless packages (people at school are actually jealous) from my mother and sister are wonderful. I received one from Katie Heimenez (Lang) today, and it was the best ever! Homemade salsa and some Tostitos to eat it with, lots of whole wheat pasta (which you CAN'T get here at all) and even some Halloween Oreos!!! It made my day! (you're the best, Katie!) : )

So, thanks for everything. Love and miss you all very much!


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