Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Independence Day

Since the Taiwaneese "Independence Day" is coming up, this seemed like a good theme. First of all, I'll have to learn more about the holiday since it seems that at any time they wish, China could swoop in and steal all independence from this country. Apparently, the US has agreed to assist Taiwan in any wars against China (how they'll get enough man power over here in enough time since our troops are half a world away in Iraq - I'll leave my personal feelings about this unsaid so as to not offend anyone - is beyond me), however the promise of help from the US is only valid if the attack from China is not provoked by Taiwan. Also, it seems that China has agreed that as long as they are not provoked, they will leave things with Taiwan as they are. However, it also appears that Taiwan's president is about as intelligent as our own (again, I will leave most of my opinions out of that one), and continues to make grand statements about Taiwan's independence, etc. etc. In other words, "provoking" the Chinese. Smart, right? He will be in office through the end of the year, at which point he will likely be arrested and put in jail (that's the truth!). Rest assured, though... With the Olympics only a year away, China will likely not be making any rash moves, like invading a country, between now and then. Also, should something happen, the Chinese goverment has agreed to give sufficient notice and let all Americans off the island before they attack. There are boats waiting at one of the port cities 24/7 to transport all Americans in case anything should happen. (Pretty interesting, right?)
So... This brings me back to the idea of independence... My own. I have successfully been riding a scooter on my own for about 4 days now (knock on wood). It's totally great and I feel like I have a lot more freedom than on my bicycle. It feels kind of scary at times, but I've got a brand new, full-faced helmet and I drive VERY slowly. On Saturday, my friend Jennifer is going to take me around the city more, since I can go farther now without passing out. She's going to show me how to get to places like the Walmart-type place where I can buy EVERYTHING, the book store, some good shopping and food places, etc. That way I can do a lot more by myself.
I did go to the grocery store and have been successfully going to a few restaurants all by myself, as well. It feels nice to be able to do those things without help. For those of you who know me well, I'm NOT one to have my hand held! I'd much rather figure out how to do it on my own (unless we're talking most complicated electronics).
As I think I mentioned in my last post, I will also be getting my own place soon. Right now, I'm a 26 year old with an 11:00 curfew - something my own mother never gave me - and a list of rules longer than I care to mention. I will feel more comfortable if I'm responsible for myself and if I'm living in a place that's all my own. I have also been having a REALLY hard time dealing with the bossing around and having someone tell me what to do, so it will be very nice to have freedom from that, too!
So, as is the Taiwaneese Independence Day, my own Independence Day is fast approacing. I'll keep you posted!

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