Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

First, I should make an amendment to my last post... The pictures go: Vivian, Christine, Samuel, Kitty. Christine is the cutest and sweetest little thing and I could take her and her sister home forever! : )
So, I have survived my first major holiday away from my family! Those of you who know me well know that's quite a feat for me. It wasn't easy, and I'm sure Christmas will be much harder, so I'm bracing myself now...
I did have some turkey rice and a pumpkin muffin on Thanksgiving Day, so I still remained festive! : ) Also, Nick and I are going to celebrate together tomorrow. I'm going to make some chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, maybe green beans in the make-shift kitchen in my apartment and there's a place here to buy pies, so the meal will be complete! It should be nice. I'm so happy I have him here because it certainly made it much easier to miss the family gathering.
So, in the true spirit of the holiday, let me say how thankful I am to have a wonderful family who loves and supports me, and who I miss very much. I am thankful for Nick who makes makes me laugh and who lets me be myself (for better or for worse). I am thankful for my friends who are great people and whose words of encouragement and support keep me going sometimes and who I love hearing from. And last, but far from least, I am thankful for this opportunity that I've been given to experience a new culture and to learn about myself and find what I'm really made of.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and I hope to hear from you all soon!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...


So glad to hear you are still doing well in Taiwan! The pictures of your students are adorable - I'm sure you will have a HUGE impact on their lives and their futures! You should really be proud of yourself for what you are doing! Happy Belated Thanksgiving! At least you were still able to celebrate with a "traditional" meal! Ha. I'm sure your mom and Maggie are missing you bunches! I wish you and Nick the best in your adventures and look forward to your next posting!!! Take care!

Love and Prayers,